British Guernsey Goats
The original golden goats were found on the Bailiwick of Guernsey among the English Channel Islands. They were imported to the U.K. in 1965 and to the U.S. in 1997 via embyro transfer. As only one herd of pure GGs is operational in the U.S., breeders are utiltizing a breed-up program to preserve these genetics. There are estimated to be less than 2500 breeding does in the world (less than 250 in the US), making this breed critically endangered.

Dorking Chickens
"The Dorking chicken is an ancient breed likely developed in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey counties in southeast England and named for the market town, Dorking (or Darking), in Surrey. This area was famous for producing high-quality table poultry, and the five-toed Dorking was one of the most sought-after breeds."
- Livestock Conservancy
We are delighted to add this unique heritage breed and intend to have several varieties.

Ancona Ducks
This American-made duck is the only landrace breed developed here in the USA. Each has a unique pattern, making it easy to tell individuals apart. Because of this characteristic though, they are not ideal for shows or APA-type breeding. Nevertheless, there is a small group of dedicated breeders hoping to bring this lovely bird to the show ring in the near future. We are focusing on the production qualities we admire so much. Our birds come in a variety of colors and lay eggs in both white and blue/green.

Cotton Patch Geese
Breeding/Hatching Season is typically Feb-May. Email to get on the waiting list.

Karakachan Dogs
We no longer breed Karakachans but LOVE this breed!

Beveren Rabbits
The Beveren rabbit was originally developed in Belgium and imported to America in 1915. Today there are 3 varieties. We enjoy and intend to breed the blues and blue-eyed whites. They are exceptionally heat tolerant, even compared to our heat tolerant Silver Fox. A great meat rabbit option for southern homesteads.